serviço de equipe

Centro de P&D

          Jiangsu Textile Research Institute Co., Ltd. (refered as CJTI) was founded in 1958. It is one of the earliest scientific research institutions in China engaged in the research and development of new textile materials, new processes and new products. CJTI has strong scientific and technological research and development capabilities, advanced experimental methods and equipment, and its scientific and technological products are widely used in many fields. We have Jiangsu Province Differentiated Fiber Engineering Technology Research Center, which aims at researching and developing high-tech, high-value-added functional fibers and its products. At present, we have successfully developed functional fibers, stainless steel yarns and functional fabric products with conductive, ultra-fine, antibacterial, magnetic, radiation protection and other functions, which are highly recognized and welcomed by our clients. 

         CJTI not only adopts strict quality management system in all aspects of the production process, but also sets up a physical and chemical testing center to make professional testing for various functional indicators of products, so as to ensure that the products manufactured meet the highest quality standards. This is not only our firm commitment to product quality, but also a full reflection of client trust.


Adhere to Innovation Proceding All

Due to our continuous persistence in R&D and innovation over the years, we have won many awards in the industry. CJTI cooperates closely with many well-known domestic universities to achieve technology iteration, resource sharing, and complementary advantages.

  • "Dyeable Composite Conductive Fiber and its Products" won the first prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award and the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. 

  • "Differential Fiber Technology" was awarded the "Major Technological Progress Award for Promoting the Upgrading of China's Textile Industry" by the China Textile Industry Association. 

  • Jiangsu Functional Protective Synthetic Fiber Engineering Research Center.

  • Jiangsu Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base.

CJTI Physical and Chemical Testing Center.jpg

CJTI Physical and Chemical Testing Center

The physical and chemical testing center of CJTI is an authoritative organization specializing in research and testing with a history of more than 60 years. It is mainly engaged in the identification of textile materials, such as the physical and chemical properties of fibers, yarns, fabrics, textile fabrics and clothing, color fastness, anti-static performance and other items. It is also the earliest unit engaged in the testing of Functional fabric products, and has drafted and participated in the formulation of relevant industry standards. In the latest CMA reavaliação e avaliação de nova expansão, o CJTI passou com sucesso na avaliação de qualificação CMA, cobrindo uma categoria principal (têxteis e vestuário), sete subcategorias, 99 produtos e 92 parâmetros.

O centro possui um conjunto completo de instrumentos e equipamentos profissionais de teste antiestático, que podem testar a resistência da superfície, resistência ao volume, resistência ao atrito, meia-vida, densidade da superfície de carga, quantidade de carga e resistência ponto a ponto dos tecidos, e fornecer consultoria técnica correspondente aos clientes. Principais variedades de teste: fibras, fios, tecidos, roupas, têxteis-lar, etc.

Principais itens de teste


Análise e Avaliação de Aparência e Composição: Estrutura organizacional, densidade de latitude e longitude, etc.


Propriedades Físicas e Mecânicas: Vários tipos de resistência e alongamento.


Solidez da cor: Como solidez da cor à fricção, solidez da cor à lavagem, solidez da cor à lavagem a seco, etc.


Estabilidade dimensional: Como estabilidade dimensional de lavagem, estabilidade dimensional de lavagem a seco, estabilidade dimensional de engomadoria, etc.


Análise de Componentes: Análise qualitativa e quantitativa de diversas fibras e tecidos.


Segurança (teste completo GB18401):como PH, formaldeído, solidez da cor, odor, amina aromática decomponível, etc.


Teste funcional:tais como resistência à água, índice de oxigênio, retardamento de chama, propriedades eletrostáticas, propriedades magnéticas, etc.


Principais padrões de referência:GB, GB/T, FZ/T, ISO, AATCC, EN, ASTM, JIS, etc.

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